The five senses are included in academic writing for further description among events spoken through experiences by including: Taste, smell, touch, hear and see.
1st writing exercise
“The shadowy bench-lined inner pathways that connected the twenty-seven six-story buildings of Marcy Houses were like tunnels we kids burrowed through. Housing projects can seem like labyrinths to outsiders, as complicated and intimidating as a Moroccan bazaar.”
Imitation: I can see the trash that hasn't been picked up in days as bacteria forms, creating worms that slithered through the open cans of food, that gushes out beans soup and left over pork. Creating germs that enter the residents hall making everyone vomit uncontrollably. “ I think the trash is making everyone sick (in a worried tone), as my body rolls back and forward creating a gag reflex sound; manger: “ This seems more like a stomach flu” he breathes heavily, “This isn’t going to look good with the health department checkup, that occurring tonight at 4:00”. I gasp as my eyebrows lift up, “ You’re more scared about some checkup than the residents' health?”
As the class starts to prepare for the IP Multimodal Memoir Essay, we have been working on many activities throughout the course of week 7 and 8 to help us develop ideas pertaining to the essay. The IP Writing Practice: Description activity was one of those assignments I find the most helpful and with a major purpose to my overall learning. I imitated at least two sentences of the excerpt Decoded (2010) by Jay-Z, where I encountered a scenario and described it to make a broader commentary about an issue by using the five senses: Taste, smell, hear, see and touch. Connecting this assignment to the course objectives, it has improved my “Habits of mind” by incorporating creativity to my critical ideas by adding detailed descriptions for more vivid imagery. This taught me to be more detailed with talking about my past experiences to keep my audience engaged with a realistic feel of the event, where they can relive the moment of the rhetor past life experiences to make broader connections. This demonstrates that I’m strengthening a key skill in my writing because I’m learning how to expand my word choices to describe certain events to make it more vivid in context and show more significance among my own experiences.This moment of learning gave me insight on how to use the five senses and when to use it in my writing as it’s used to identify moments in events to declare the setting and the things that revolve around it.
The mastery of this skill is important to my ethos because it’s a way of expressing my emotions to persuade my intended audience and gain their perspective.
Thank you and stay tuned for next weeks blog!