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  April Andrade
Writing 37/39B

About me:


Hi my name is April Andrade . I'm currently a  first year student attending the University of California Irvine, majoring in Criminology, Law and Society.  I have a great passion for the field of law and justice that approaches the expanding truth, upon crime itself around the world. I have always been interested in law enforcement and therefore, I wish to achieve my goal of becoming a detective/investigator to detect crimes and analyze evidence for further conclusions.

Outside of my academic learning , I love to incorporate selfcare to my everyday routine to ensure stability to my physical and mental health by going to the gym and easing my mind with pure relaxation and spiritual thoughts. Fun fact about me, is that I'm actually born in the month of April, making me an Aries. 


My Thoughts

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” An investment in knowledge, pays the best interest. 

ʉۥ Benjamin Franklin


What's WR 37

To start of with the basics of this cousre, WR 37 Intensive Writing  is a class offered by the University of California Irvine, among writing placements of a lower division course. It's a general education requirement to exceed all levels of writing in order to achieve a bachelor's degree as part of the UC system. For the Winter quarter of 2022, our focal point/theme is Memoir: A Slice of Life- The Rhetoric of Home, Family, and Self. This class specifies on the factors of students development within structure and writing and critical reading with the components of WR 39B, as it's an extended version. Passing this course allows you to automatically enter WR 39C, with great knowledge and understanding , prior to analytical writings that are conducted through genre and rhetoric figures. What are genre and rhetoric figures you might say? Genre and rhetoric play an important part to developing a broader thinking among writing pieces, where you emphasis on a certain style within it's category. These tools exemplify a better communication among people who want to go beyond with their ideas and engage upon reading/writing styles, were they're able to connect stories related to their own lives, to create meaning and purpose as a response to certain situations. The overall goal of this class is to use reading and writing strategies to establish citical thinking and engagement within the genre and rhetoric figures of writing process.



Course Objectives: This course focuses on the method of Metacognitive skills, in order to enhance student development among reading and writing. As this technique is well drawn upon student success and learning establishment, it creates a process of thinking in an organized manner that includes all criteria of analyzing, evaluating, understanding, and reflecting. Purpose is to acknowledge what was learned and expand on it with connections. This skill is definitely a great starting point, to great reading and writing habits that can be contributed to academic success throughout all acdemic platforms. 


Always Makes Me Smile



This is me, visiting the campus of the University of California , Irvine after finding out I was accepted. I was so thrilled to be an anteater!

This picture was taken right before the start of the pandemic and it's very special to me because it's one of many pictures where I'm not wearing a mask with family members. This picture includes me, my cousin and my aunt. 













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