Between the course of 2 weeks, the assignments assigned give a purpose and connection to future references, whether it’s for formulating projects or incorporating these techniques to a setting that doesn't just revolve around WR 37 but other scenarios. A particular activity that has given me the ability to strive for better understanding and good learning habits to making connections within my course objectives, would have to be the reading assignments that include annotations prior to using the metacognitive tool. You might be asking, well what’s metacognitive tools and how does that relate to the class readings? As each reading assignments have their own subject manner represented upon week discussions during class. Annotating these readings require adding explanations, questions and comments as you thoroughly go in depth with each section of the reading pieces, which is what the metacognitive strategies is all about.
From the reading assignments that require the use of metacognitive strategies (annotations), I’ve learned how to develop my critical thinking skills by interpreting information into my own words and expanding on the significance and purposes by the use of organizing my thoughts and making meaningful analysis. With the key concepts of evaluating, analyzing, understanding and reflecting by making self connections. Which refers back to the course objectives of being able to gain skill on critical readings to establish a well design writing process and understand the concepts approaching those practices related to genre and rhetoric figures for revision of essays, class discussions and organized thought processes. Down below is evidence prior to my learning.

This assignment demonstrates that I’m strengthening a key skill in my critical reading and writing skills because I’m taking more time in understanding what I’m actually reading by evaluating ideas throughout paragraphs to enhance a better comprehension by analyzing those ideas to make further connections.
Learning this skill is important to my overall learning because it justifies the concepts to what I use in my everyday life routine, by being able to construct papers with good structure. As for including in depth analysis and arguments which can be used to develop my Genre Analysis essay and Imitation project . My understanding about this skill provides better efficiency and confidence when writing my own essay or examining a critical reading.
This skill relies on the importance of my academic ethos because it’s not shown as a bais viewing but more of a trust between the reader and my response. It’s a way of building my credibility as a writer. This learning, demonstrates that I’m becoming a member of an academic discourse community, by knowing basic components and using those skills to better my progress.

Metacognition is referred as a cycle of different components that revolves around the awareness of one's own thought. The picture above shows a great overview of the elements I devoped prior to my practice with this strategy. Due to these elements, I'm able to analyze a reading in an accurate matter/structure.Between the course of 2 weeks, the assignments assigned give a purpose and connection to future references, whether it’s for formulating projects or incorporating these techniques to a setting that doesn't just revolve around WR 37 but other scenarios. A particular activity that has given me the ability to strive for better understanding and good learning habits to making connections within my course objectives, would have to be the reading assignments that include annotations prior to using the metacognitive tool. You might be asking, well what’s metacognitive tools and how does that relate to the class readings? As each reading assignments have their own subject manner represented upon week discussions during class. Annotating these readings require adding explanations, questions and comments as you thoroughly go in depth with each section of the reading pieces, which is what the metacognitive strategies is all about. Between the course of 2 weeks, the assignments assigned give a purpose and connection to future references, whether it’s for formulating projects or incorporating these techniques to a setting that doesn't just revolve around WR 37 but other scenarios. A particular activity that has given me the ability to strive for better understanding and good learning habits to making connections within my course objectives, would have to be the reading assignments that include annotations prior to using the metacognitive tool. You might be asking, well what’s metacognitive tools and how does that relate to the class readings? As each reading assignments have their own subject manner represented upon week discussions during class. Annotating these readings require adding explanations, questions and comments as you thoroughly go in depth with each section of the reading pieces, which is what the metacognitive strategies is all about.